Thursday, November 3, 2011

Meanderings at Midnight

May the...meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19:14

Close to twenty percent of the workforce today are assigned to shift work. This means that approximately 13.5 million people are at work while many of us are asleep. Factory workers, nurses, EMT's, policemen are just some of the employees punching the time clock at midnight. Many of these shift workers, like my husband, rotate from shift to shift; days to afternoons, to midnights. Week after week.
Why blog about shift work?
In 2008 I was honored to be selected as one of the winners of Guideposts Magazine's Writers Workshop. My winning article dealt with my struggles as the wife of a shift worker. But even though the article contains advice, my change of attitude and a positive outcome, there are still times when I battle shift work. Insomnia, non-productivity in my career and general sense of malaise are some of the effects of a round-the-clock schedule. And those times when my heart just breaks for Joe when I see the fatigue on his face as he heads out into the gloomy night so he can provide for us.
What about you?
Do you clock in when you'd rather be in bed? Are you the spouse of a shift worker who is trying to plan a meal for the kids at normal hours and 'breakfast' at ten'o'clock at night before your partner goes to work? Is it your bed-time in the middle of the day while the rest of your family is enjoying planned activities without you?
As I blog about my shift work experiences - good and bad- I hope that these times I write about will help you learn to cope with less than normal hours. Even if you're like me and this has been your way of life for a long time, I hope to exchange ideas. Maybe together, we can help the newly-hired shift workers or the brand new couple learning to deal with midnights.
Tips for staying awake and falling asleep, family life, coping strategies and even an easy recipe or two are just some of the topics I plan to cover. An inspiring verse or quote, something positive to build up your day. An event or a 'God-incident' that lifted my spirits and helped me get through my day.
I want to help you get through your day, too, with a smile and a grateful heart.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Open my eyes to see your blessings of work and family and home. And open my heart to welcome these blessings with gratitude and love. Amen.

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