Monday, November 28, 2011

Some Things Change...

Change in all things is sweet. ~ Aristotle

I am not fond of change. Just because my life changes weekly due to my husband's rotating shift doesn't mean that I embrace change.

Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving. My house was full of change. Changes in appearances, changes in attitudes, changes in our roles in life. When my immediate family gathers, there are thirty of us. Thirty of my beloved and hundreds of changes.

It seems like yesterday that we celebrated Thanksgiving at our childhood home with Mom and Dad. But they've handed over the reins and now we take turns hosting the holiday. Change. Our children, in the blink of an eye, have grown from teenagers into young men and young women, ready to take on the world. Change.

The toddlers in our family are teenagers and my nephew(when did he get to be a teenager?) even brought a girlfriend. Change. And the babies aren't babies anymore, they're toddlers. My brother and his wife are grandparents and the rest of us are great-uncles and great-aunts. Change.

Joe enters the kitchen, a serving dish piled high with succulent deep-fried turkey. We all gather in the kitchen, inhaling deeply and anticipating mightily our Thanksgiving dinner. We're all here, each and every one of us.We bow our heads and I recite the grace that has been handed down in our family throughout  generations:

Bless us, O Lord,  and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from Thy bounty through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

I choke up and tears clog my throat. Not from sadness or missing those who won't be with us anymore in this world. Not because of the passing of time or the changes I see on our faces.

I am simply overwhelmed. Filled to the brim with love.We have changed, for sure and for certain, but some things remain the same. We know each other's faults and strengths, we all share the same warped, wicked sense of humor, we start and finish each other's sentences. We are many, but we are one.

We are so blessed.

Dear Father in Heaven, of all the things I give thanks for, I give thanks for my loved ones the most. Each and every one of them. Thank You for these dear people. Amen.

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